Facts on Fires

Most Home Fire Deaths Are Preventable

  • A home fire starts somewhere in this country every 82 seconds and doubles in intensity every 30 seconds.
  • Fire injures or kills over 40,000 children each year in the United States.  
  • Each year, fire kills more Americans than all natural disasters combined.
  • Fires are the third leading cause of accidental death in the home: at least 80 percent of all fire deaths occur in residences.
  • Smoke alarms either were not present or did not operate in 75% of these residences.
  • Most fatalities from fire occur between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. -- while most people are asleep. Smoke from a fire in the home can and will kill quickly and silently without adequate smoke alarms.

    (statistics from United States Fire Administration web site)

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